Some history

NOW (January and February 2017) busy with a NEW project, on DEMAND, but it's a SECRET because I want to SURPRISE the client, I HOPE at least. It is a FAMILY affair.
Tip of the veil, Sneak Preview:


Finished PP project, December 2016! Oh what fun to make this. Clientesses were extremely enthousiastic. Pity it will take a long while before it will be lying on their couch. Back luck sweet girls with this terrible fire incident.



Project Andreas is finished, here is the result.

Turned 90 degrees clockwise:


Finished in May 2012, a special request from a special person, so I tried and I succeeded! 
Now hanging on a wall in a student house... an aphorism, translated in English it says:
From the concert of life nobody receives the program.


My mother invented Enbroidering Large Squares. Same as me, she liked to cross stitch but hated to count the patterns. 

So she started with
making pre-coloured embroidery
kits. She made quite a lot of
these, small ones but also very
large ones check out the
From all the left-over threads of the pre-coroured kits she decided to make a cushion with squares and lines. To het surprise I liked it a lot (contrary to het
pre-coloured kits) and she gave it to me.
After this succes she made many Squares, all of them self-conceived and counted in her head, with no help from charts or patterns whatsoever.

That is why I would like to invite
everybody to take a look at the
Squares made by my mother,
see the tab BY MY MOTHER.

From the Squares I made cushions,
and asked my mother to embroider
backsides for them. She made them
'Quick and Dirty Style' but I
think they are nice enough to
give them a special tab: BACKSIDES

 Under the tab  EARLY WORK you'll
find some of the pre-coloured kits
my mother made quite some time
ago. It is far from complete.
Under the tab PROJECTS there are
some examples of my Excel grids.
I turn the excel-cells into very
small squares, and colour them
one by one to try out my designs.
This is almost as much Zen
as cross stitching itself.

The tab MISCELANNEOUS gives some
less important information.
It is indeed very miscellaneous.

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